Our fifth full day of camp was action-packed! This morning started with calisthenics, followed by breakfast. After breakfast, there were cabin devotions followed by a worship time in the Mishkan (chapel). Dr. Michael Herts led this morning’s Hebrew moment, where he taught the meaning of “Hineini, sh’lacheini,” which means, “Here am I, send me.” The emphasis is on the need to be available and to respond to God’s call. After Mishkan (chapel), the campers were busy with challah-making, the ninja game, boating, archery, arts and crafts, and the big swing. After lunch and a time of rest, the camp-wide game commenced. The game today was a four-way capture the flag. After that, there was some free time where campers could go to the gym, do arts and crafts, head to the pool, get a snack, or just relax. This evening’s worship time was very energetic, followed by a great message from Dr. Michael Herts on the legacy of love. He brought a clear gospel message using John 15:12–14, Romans 5:8–9, 1 Peter 3:18, and John 3:16. Several campers recommitted their lives to the Lord. The evening ended with a night swim, where two campers had their Mikvot (Baptisms) with their parents’ permission. Although the campers and the staff were tired by the end of the day, everyone had a great time!
The campers are doing well memorizing their daily Bible verses. Today’s verse was Romans 12:1—
“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
Please continue to pray for us!